All Better Now

Violet has been doing great.  She went from scaring the hell out of me, to being very pleasant to be with.  We have been very focused on her driving practice, and she’s getting better and better everyday.  She’s also loving her Friday evening Anime drawing class.  There has been no melodrama, no apparent depression, and she’s been her usual cheerful self.  Even the week prior to her menstrual cycle has been okay.

She’s also been hand sewing a sock monkey, and drawing more at home as well.  She’s done so well, that I returned her iPhone to her, after reiterating the rules.

Aspergers really messes with her understanding of context and appropriate behavior via texting and e-mail.  We have an agreement that she will not engage in serious conversations with anyone via social media, texting, e-mail, etc.  I explained that if you need to talk about something serious, like friendships, relationships, depression, or any real conversation, it needs to happen over the phone, where she can hear voice inflection.  She is allowed to text, but it must stay light, no heavy conversations, and Role Playing (RP’ing) is okay as long as it stays imaginative and not dive off the deep end of pornographic.

I have been waiting, and waiting, to get her in with a psychologist so that she can have more support when it comes to the difficulties she will face as she grows into a young adult.

But for now, all is well.

For that, I am so very thankful!
